[Tangled in you…best ever]

Posted: September 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

We fashioned our bodies in an emeshed web of longing and desire. 

Temperance. We could be together for at least 3 or 4 years but you leave in March and my heart is already years in. 

Apprehensions. My heart knows secrets that my mouth can’t verbalize and loving in temperance is a fleeting goal now. 

How much can I say without saying?

Longing. I just want to take care of you and spew rainbows of queer black and brown love all over these homophobic institutional edifices. 

I’m sustained by your kisses and hugs a nourishment I have never known. 

Beautiful: that’s what I’ll call you, cause you are. 

From the dance floor to our shared bed your a grandiose tapestry of pain, resilience, sex and love. I will. I will love you  in temperance, until your shared ephemeral love dissipates  to another time or space. 

I’ll live here at love’s threshing floor, sprawled out and naked enmeshed again in our web of longing and desire.


To a “Conscious” person

Posted: September 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

So you looked me in my eyes and said “I’m joining the army” my emotions were immediately transfixed on broken promises, half way I love yous and overall unrequitted love.

Memories of pressing your lips to mine, dancing all night and dope ass political conversations. You were fluent in many languages with making me cry being your most spoken and now your at it again.

Conjuring David Kato’s Orisha.

One more queer joining the black and brown death machine. I still wonder if you hated yourself that much or you just decided to kill the inner queer inside.

I can’t rationalize it anymore but I hope you found yourself or at least learned how to look in the mirror but all the same fuck you and your racial consciousness.


I have been thinking a lot about how queers of color are constantly navigating spaces with their multiple identities and how I have oriented to this multiple identities. These identities can’t be ahistoricized from the advent of capitalism and how white supremacy, homophobia and sexism are utilized to maintain the white hegemony and force us into forced social relations.

I speak mostly from the vantage point of a black queer working class male. I was raised in a single parent home in New Orleans where my mom worked two jobs most of my life and my dad was pretty much absent. Jesus was forced down my throat at least 2-3 times a week. Simultaneously, I began to understand my queerness a little more. Since then I have I progressively read more to conceptualize my understanding of how our society works.

I look back at my experiences that have radicalized my understanding of how capitalism reinforces racism, sexism and homophobia. I have realized that I and other queers of color have always been navigating these spaces of subjugation. When I look back at these experiences I think of W.E.B Du Bois and his theory of double consciousness. Du Bois states i n The Souls of Black Folks that “the Negro is sort of a seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world – a world which yields him no true self consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world”. What Du Bois is saying here is that black folks are always seeing themselves through the eyes of the rulers. A historical phenomenon that capitalism has reinforced due to how racism is constructed in our society. I think where Du Bois failed to further analyze was how capitalism creates the classed dynamic and the effects that colonialism leaves on the colonized. Frantz Fanon talks about how the ruling class indoctrinates the colonized with Euro-centric values that leaves the colonized feeling alienated and with no sense of autonomy. So black folks are constantly figuring out how to orient to this foreign oppressor and those contradictions manifest in the ways in which people struggle internally with those and vocalize against their ruler.

I think queer folks of color and other groups of people are always seeing themselves through the eyes of the hegemony but we are always reclaiming those spaces. I am reminded of the Harlem Renassaince with the “niggerati”, a group of black largely queer artists and writers, who actively reclaimed those white heterosexual spaces and made them their own. They lived communally in the qpoc home in Harlem named “niggerati manor” and many were openly queer. For these folks and I think many queers seeing themselves through the eyes of patriarchal heterosexual society, we are constantly reminded of the mores that we don’t adhere too and the institutions that we don’t want to invest in.

I also realize that these identities can’t be compartmentalized. Due to the nature of our society we have to navigate between these different classed, gendered, and sexual identities. The experienced that I have are shaped by all these things. Our capitalistic society uses these identities to indoctrinate us with white supremacist, sexist, and classed division and to divide the working class. In order to overcome these division we must organize in a fashion that addresses capitalism and all these systemic issues such as racism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, and classism.

Waging War

Posted: August 30, 2011 in poetry

There is a constant warring battle in my mind. Seraphic demons lie catty corner in the windows of my soul distorting, and manipulating the feeble contradictions of my reality. Grandiose tales of love, sorrow, pain, and happiness meet and bastardize my sense of truth. Truth borrows in these empty spaces of my heart longing to be unearthed by the mounds and mounds of this distorted reality. Freedom becomes encapsulated in the fugacious battle. It wimpers and rocks itself asleep in the cryptic prison created for it. It bellows and ominous and repetitious drum beat. You hear it? It’s faint but audible. Ba-bom, ba-bom, ba-bom. I hear it in every living being. free yourself from the despotic prisons of your mind and your constructed reality. Revolt against imperialism, colonialism, sexism, racism, patriarchy, and homophobia. Rebel against yourself. Deconstruct the lies and burn down your white phallic castles. Love yourself.



Gnostic Euphoria

I have taken off my ceremonial gown and uncrowned my thoughts and ideas. I have prepared myself a bed of love for me to lay. I have used empathy to transcend my understanding of others. I have injected into my veins the woes and pains of the world. I have, I have, I have. I have done nothing. True healing is communal and seeps its way into the hearts of man via hurting, living, laughing, loving, together. Nothing has been accomplished until we becomes the focal point and I has been removed from our hearts.


Posted: December 19, 2010 in Uncategorized


Posted: November 14, 2010 in poetry
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Enigmatic tears help mitigate poetic prose coupled with rage. Lascivious desires dancing in the  mind while the need to be held, needed, wanted, anything is secondary only to breathing. I crave it. If only? Finding me has become like breathing. I do it only because life forces me to.


Just a hug?

Posted: June 13, 2010 in poetry
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It is just a hug but when it happened all the past nostalgic memories came back.

I remember the late night games of tag and the caramel machiatto at starbucks.

I remember the underage drinking and the sleepovers.

I remember being  genuinely happy simply because you were there and sad because you weren’t.

Maybe it was just a hug but for me it was a hug that said everything was ok.

A hug that was so intimate and close that it put our heartbeats back in tune, beating rhythmically to the consensual passion between us.

A hug that permeated all my insecurities and left me feeble in your arms like a baby in the arms of its mother.

A hug that made 1 + 1 = infinity.

A hug that telepathically assuaged my racing thoughts.

Maybe it was just a hug but for me at that place, in that moment it was all the world cause nothing else mattered cause I was in your arms.

I find that I’m constantly analyzing these cryptic scenes of my life. Enigmatic dreams about an unsatisfying existence. Whimsical day dreams longing to materialize. Passion and rage bottled up and shaken voraciously  in the corners of my feeble mind. Love, sorrow, peace, hate, joy all mingling together, spontaneously  effervescing into the framework of my existence. Although my life, I watch passively like a spectator anxiously awaiting the next huge spectacle. My eyes are swollen from the inundated imagery of life’s good and evil. Wiping the precipitated evil in the form of crust from my eyes, I wish I could see no evil. Now I know seeing no evil, speaking no evil, and hearing no evil isn’t possible for I have used the fiery furnace  of my mouth to spread woe.  And my ears have heard so much evil that they are deafen awaiting the melodic seraphic sound of good. Oh yeah, this life I live is a grandiose cacophony of sound orchestrated by the good and bad I have created but I would have it no other way. It makes me human.


Posted: May 13, 2010 in Uncategorized
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Failure feels like pain,

Like the love that changes me,

Failure set me free

Gnostic Euphoria


Posted: May 3, 2010 in poetry, Uncategorized
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I managed to get as close as emotionally possible but you ignored my advances.

I tried to connect to you mentally but you weren’t swayed. So we danced.

Not just any dance but the most intimate swaying of souls meeting at a common place of consent.

Because right then and there I gave it all to you.

We both surrendered and conformed our beings to the way of the music.

We allowed it to pulsate through our veins like the blood that keeps us in perpetual motion and back into the inner framework of our coupled dance.

We danced to get to know each other. We danced to make the connection that other wise would have never happened.

Because we have nothing in common but this mutual desire to dance so hard that time cease to exist.

Because right now nothing else matters, outside of our dancing.

We are both dedicated to being here, on the dance floor, together, dancing.

Gnostic Euphoria